Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today I go to school, Mom?

The Kiddo is so excited about going to school! Yesterday, he sang me a new lullaby, and when asked where he learned it, he responded, "At school." No matter how many different ways and times I asked, he was insistent that he learned it at school. Since we have yet to set foot into his classroom, I know this is not the case (great deductive reasoning on my part, right?!).

I love the fact that he's excited about school, but I admit to being nervous about how he'll feel about school once he is there. I just hope and pray that he loves his teacher...and his classmates...and that they love him too! Cause he's a pretty special kid with lots to offer! Here's a little reminder for me (and for him) of some summer fun.

Monday, August 20, 2012


One week from today, Pooh begins pre-school. That afternoon, my first phd student defends her dissertation. I'm feeling like the juxtaposition of work and motherhood is somehow converging this week. In the midst of it all, we will hopefully get a response to our offer. It may be the beginning of a new phase. Or, possibly, it could mean the adjustment of a dream to a different locale.

Whatever happens, we'll make it all for the better!